Adding a bathroom to your basement is one of the most cost-effective ways of increasing your home value. Sometimes adding a new bathroom rather than bathroom remodeling in Tampa can be the best choice for getting the extra shower or toilet that your family needs, and adding a basement bathroom can often be less expensive than doing a complete remodel on an existing room upstairs. If you’ve been contemplating a bathroom in your basement, we have some tips and tricks to get you started.

Plumbing-Adding new plumbing is the factor that drives up the cost of bathroom remodeling in Tampa. Your best bet when adding a basement bathroom is to position it below the existing bathrooms so you can more easily connect to the plumbing that is already present.

Zoning and Permits-Before starting any bathroom remodeling in Tampa project, you should check your local zoning laws to see if you need a permit for your project. You might also have deed restrictions that prohibit adding a basement bathroom. A contractor can help navigate you through this process.

Bathroom Size-When you’re adding a bathroom to your basement, you need to decide if you want a full or half bath. You can create a full bathroom with a cheaper price tag by choosing a stand-up, narrow shower rather than a tub for your basement. If you choose to have a shower or bath; however, you should install a ventilation fan to keep moisture lower in the already damp climate of a basement.

Drainage-Plumbing works by using gravity to draw water down through the pipes. When your pipes are already as low as they can go, you must give special consideration for drainage in your bathroom. A contractor can ensure your design features enough fall for the shower, sink, and toilet to drain correctly into the sewers. If your sewage draining lines are not deep enough to let gravity do the work, you’ll need to work with the contractor on other options.

Adding a bathroom to your basement can be a complicated project that might require professional plumbers, electricians, and contractors to ensure the job is done right. Before you start on your bathroom remodeling in Tampa, talk with a contractor about the best way to move forward.

If you’re interested in a basement bathroom in Tampa, call The Bath & Kitchen Gallery at 813-296-68